The myLink schedule feature allow you to automatically activate your motorized products based on time of day, day of week, and even sunrise and sunset. 

Scenes must already exist before creating schedules.   You can create a total of 25 schedules with each myLink. 

Click this link to

to set up scenes


How to Create a Schedule

First, access the schedule screen from the main menu. 

To create a new schedule, begin by pressing the plus icon

Name your schedule and select Set to schedule the time.

You can schedule operation based on the time of day, sunrise or sunset, and the days of the week.   When scheduling your shades based on sunrise or sunset you can offset the schedule by up to two hours before or after the astronomical event. 

Going on vacation?  You can take advantage of the myLink's vacation mode.   Enabling the vacation mode will randomize the opening and closing of your motorized products to give a lived-in appearance even when your away.

Once you've set the time and days for your schedule, press back and then press back again.   Now press the plus button to select from your available scenes. 

Finally, select the scene you want to be scheduled.   Multiple scenes can be added to a schedule.   In this example, we want all the kitchen and living room shades to close at night. 

Press Done.   You'll now see the time and days associated with your schedule.   Your schedule will now activate at the appropriate time. 

Use the toggle button to quickly turn your schedule on or off as needed. 

How to Edit a Schedule

To edit a schedule, go to your schedules.   First, click on the pencil sign, then select the ones you wish to edit. 

You can change the name of your schedule or the time of the activation, as well as change the scenes associates with your schedule. 

How to Delete  a Schedule

To delete a schedule, click on the pencil sign, select eth schedule you wish to delete and click on DELETE