If you are having trouble setting or updating the time zone. 


  1. Close the app completely, do not minimize it to the background.
  2. Re-open the app, let the app sit until it prompts to set the time zone.
    1. Tap “Menu” in the top left corner.
    2. Tap “Gateway Settings.”
    3. Tap “Unit Settings.”
  3. Enter the applicable time zone, if able.
    1. Additionally try to update the “location” setting if time zone will not set. Updating location may auto-populate the time zone.
  4. If not able to set the time zone, you should – from this point – be able to program the shades into the gateway if they have not been already.

For additional support:

  • App:  On the main account screen or login page, click on “?” Icon – this will generate an email template – be sure to fill in all information requested,  
  • Email:  [email protected],  
  • Customer Service Team: 1-800-221-6352

Note: Responses could take up to 24 hours